Briana’s September Product Pick

*Please note — product is NOT this size!

It seems like just yesterday it was the middle of Summer.

An unforgiving, brutally hot, scorching Summer.

And then — time does that thing it does — and all of a sudden, the days are already getting noticeably shorter.

The temperature is finally getting a little cooler, and I can HAPPILY start to think about sweaters and jackets. Although Summer was fun (I love spending time with my little nephews at the shore) Me, my Wardrobe, and my Face are ready for Fall.

For anyone who spends a lot of time in the sun, Retinols are a tricky product to use.

Although the benefits of using Retinols are wonderful, one of the side-effects is skin photosensitivity, which can make your skin more likely to get sun-burned. For this reason, a lot of people avoid their beloved retinol products during the summer. (You can use your Retinol throughout Summer, you just need to be extra-vigilant about sunscreen application and protecting your skin. It?s feasible, but most people don?t want the extra-hassle when they?re at the beach, trying to relax.)

So along with the re-emergence of boots and sweaters, in my world — Fall also means that everyone can safely, easily go back to their preferred, aggressive AF skincare products.


Despite having super-sensitive skin that basically throws a tantrum whenever it?s exposed to something it doesn?t like, I still love Retinols.

Or, at least, I love the idea of a Retinol.

Retinols are a derivative of Vitamin A, and basically it helps your body shed it?s top-layer of dead skin-cells faster than you would naturally. Through this sped-up exfoliation process, your skin texture will be refined, you?ll notice a reduction in brown spots and freckles, and Retinols help with collagen production so that on top of everything else ? your skin looks younger and fresher.

There are various strengths of Retinols available, and like I said ? even though my brain loves the concept, my face hates all Retinols equally.

Previously Retinols left my skin bright-red, burning hot, peely, tight and itchy. (Lovely, right?)

Retinols + Briana were like oil and water.
Until, I tried the *NEW* Sente product?

Sente Dermal Repair has been my go-to anti-aging, moisturizing product, and everyone else at About Face swears by it too. It?s proprietary ingredients help your skin stay happy, healthy, and young-looking. Additionally, one of the main ingredients (Heparan Sulfate, or HSA) helps all of your other products work better ? you apply Sente Dermal Repair as soon as you?re done washing your face, and then any product you apply on top of the Dermal Repair will be able to penetrate deeper into your skin thanks to Sente?s magical-like properties.

As a beloved and trusted brand, my curiosity was majorly piqued when I heard that Sente was coming out with a Retinol.

briana-skin-happyWithout further fan-fare; my product pick for September 2016 is Sente’s BioComplete Serum.

What: Formulated with the same hydrating, skin-soothing ingredients as the Dermal Repair, Sente?s new BioComplete Serum delivers all the benefits of a Retinol, but in a gentle, irritation-free manner.

Sente?s BioComplete Serum is a silky, firming and soothing Retinol serum that somehow provides intense hydration, while also exfoliating your skin.

This serum utilizes a time-released retinol to help increase the comfort-level. (If my skin can respond happily to this product, than anyone?s can!)

How + When: Sente BioComplete Serum is your night-time product. (Sente?s Dermal Repair is for morning.) One pump of the product should be more than enough to cover your entire face, and when you first apply it you may feeling a warming sensation. This brief blast of warmth should be the most extreme thing you experience through your Sente Retinol application.

Why: Sente is ALL about science, and their studies have shown the following amazing statistics about the BioComplete Serum:

  • 100% of patients showed a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
  • 100% of patients showed an increase in skin hydration
  • 93% of patients showed increased skin firmness and elasticity

Other drool-worthy benefits of Sente?s BioComplete Serum?

  • Contains the master molecule for age management and healthy looking skin.
  • Formulated to help spur plentiful collagen production
  • Provides deep hydration
  • Helps maintain the structure and integrity of the skin
  • Works with your body?s own natural growth factors to keep skin young and vibrant

Who Should Use This? Sente?s BioComplete Serum is great for anyone (who isn?t pregnant or breast-feeding!) that is concerned about prevention and correction for antiaging.

How Long Will the Product Last? Each bottle should last you upwards of 5-months.

Cost? This is almost the best part! To help celebrate the launch of this product, we are offering a limited-time Sente bundle!

For the month of September, you?ll get ALL this for just $299*:

In the end? You?re scoring over $400 worth of products!

This offer is only good through September, and if you want to purchase online, you can order online with coupon code Sente916.

*Please note ? the bundle price does not include sales tax.



