FAQ with Injector Lauren

Quick Injection-Interview with Lauren Green: Aesthetic Injector 

Why are you interested in aesthetics? 
In college I worked at a beauty counter, and I loved the ability I had to make people feel beautiful. It satisfied the care-giver in me, and the artist in me. When I then decided to become a nurse, aesthetic injecting seemed like the perfect blending of everything that makes me happy, while keeping me challenged.
What is the biggest change you’ve seen in aesthetics over the past 5 years? 
From a treatment standpoint, it seems like people are starting to care about their whole face versus focusing on one specific feature. For example, five years ago it was not unusual for patients to come in and only want to treat their lips, over and over again, ignoring the rest of their face. Now patients are interested in making as many little tweaks as needed to create overall balance. Patients are happier, and I’m happier — it is so much more satisfying for everyone to improve the entire face versus just one feature.
If your patients could know one thing before treatment, what would it be? 
I love it when my patients come to their appointment with an open-mind, so that the treatment plan can be collaborative. What you think you might need may vary from what a professional sees. I never want to offend anyone, but my goal is always to create a more balanced, natural-looking, rejuvenated face, and sometimes the path to get there is different than what the patient expects. For example, some people come in and want to treat their nasolabial folds (the lines that go from edge of nose to corners of mouth). Instead of directly injecting those lines, sometimes if I add volume to the cheeks and temples (to lift the skin that’s starting to sag creating those NLF) the desired results are attained in a more organic, flattering, pretty way. My goal is always to make the patient happy, but my recommendations may take a different route than expected, and everything works better with good communication.
Favorite treatment to do to others? 
My favorite treatment (for the moment) is Sculptra for full-face rejuvenation. Sculptra is a perfect way to address global volume restoration for the most natural looking results. It’s a biostimulator that tricks your body into making new collagen, with results lasting over 2-years.
Favorite treatment for yourself? 
Botox is my favorite! I’m dying to get injected as soon as I’m done breast-feeding! Botox lets me feel refreshed without looking “done” and allows me to get ready / feel good about myself so much quicker. My skin looks smoother, my lips look poutier, my eyes look bigger, my neck is sleeker, I look happier, etc., etc.
Have your views on aesthetics / injecting changed since having a baby? 
My injecting-aesthetic has always veered to the more natural looking, but now that I’m a mom I can better appreciate how important it is to be fair to yourself, and to stay true to yourself. I love helping people be their best version of themselves. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and I want to try and enhance that, and not just create cookie-cutter, look-alike faces over and over.