We truly apologize for any inconvenience, but we want to do whatever we can to keep everyone as safe as possible — including our team. By practicing strict social distancing, it may be a few more weeks before someone is in the office to fulfill online orders. (Enjoy the 15% off your products as our apology for this!)
In the meantime, our vendors have been amazing at adapting to the current circumstance and are developing easy ways for you to shop their entire lines now:
ALASTIN: Shop Now!
SKINCEUTICALS: Shop Now! (Get FREE shipping and your choice of SkinCeuticals sample product!)
SKINMEDICA: coming soon!
OBAGI: Just email hello@aboutfaceskincare.com with the products you’d like, your desired shipping address and payment information, and Obagi will send your products directly to you.
PORIFICATION / ENRICHED: Unfortunately it will take 6+ weeks to get a similar system up and running, and we are hopeful we won’t need it by that point. Sorry! Please feel free to place your desired order for these products through our online store, and we’ll get it out to you within the next few weeks.
Please stay safe!