Part of the appeal to Injection treatments is how easy they are! (Especially for someone who has had many before) But plenty of people get injections every day and go into the process without knowing the best way to ensure good results and what they should and shouldn’t be doing before and after their procedures.
As a provider of one of the more unique boutique skincare experiences in Philadelphia — offering anything from lip fillers to hand injections to fat melting injections — About Face Skin Care has a combined 25 years of injecting experience in our office, and we’ve decided to share it with you! After repeating the following list countless times throughout the day, we finally had the epiphany to share this information with everyone on the internet. (Feel free to bookmark this article, this list is a work in progress and changes as we learn more tips and tricks!)
To begin with, DO NOT be intimidated by the length of this list. We tried to be as inclusive and thorough as possible to prepare you for everything your procedure might throw your way. Here are the things you should do and avoid before botox, fillers, and any other injections you might decide to get.
Before Your Injection Treatment
The biggest concern before your injection should be bruising. Bruising has been shown to affect anywhere from 20% to 68% of patients and is most common for patients getting dermal fillers. The biggest way to prevent bruising and other effects is to know what to do and what to avoid before botox treatments, dermal fillers, or any other injections. Following these tips will maximize your enjoyment post-op and calm your nerves before your treatment.
Don’t Do This…
- Do Not: Consume blood thinners for five days before your treatment. The most likely products patients would take include Aspirin, St. John’s wort, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, and alcoholic beverages. (These are all anti-coagulators and will increase the likelihood of bruising and bleeding at the injection site.)
- Do Not: Schedule your treatment within 3-weeks of any big event. Anytime your skin breaks, there is a chance of bruising or swelling. Make sure to give your body plenty of healing time before a big event in case this occurs.
- Do Not: Move forward with lip injections if you’ve had recent dental work. Please wait at least two weeks between lip injections and dental work to ensure that all wounds have had time to heal and there is no risk of spreading bacteria. (The human mouth is so dirty!)
- Do Not: Undergo any cosmetic injections if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Do Not: Consume alcohol 48 hours before your appointment. Avoiding alcoholic beverages prevents bruises by keeping your blood from thinning.
- Do Not: Come to the appointment with any facial products applied. Some of the things you want to avoid before botox or other injections are makeup, moisturizer, and sunscreen. (But if you do, it’s not a huge problem, we’ll make sure your skin is properly cleansed and prepared before injecting!)
…Do This!
- Do tell us if you have previously had to endure facial cold sores or herpes break-outs. We can prescribe medication to minimize the chances and duration of a possible break-out.
- Do feel free to bring a picture of your desired outcome. Our definition of “plumped,” “smoothed,” or “contoured” could vary drastically from yours. We want to make sure we are on the same page as you.
- Do you have micro bladed eyebrows? If so, please call your brow provider to see what they recommend for Botox injections with your eyebrow treatment.
- Do you know that you bruise easily? Please tell us when scheduling, and we can make suggestions for products to take beforehand to reduce the risk of bruising.
- Do you enjoy pineapple? Eating fresh pineapple a week prior to your appointment can help reduce the likelihood of bruising.
- Do try to eat a small snack before your appointment. Having food in your stomach during a dermal filler, Sculptra, Kybella, Botox, or Dysport injection will help prevent you from feeling light-headed or faintish.
After Your Injection Treatment
Most of the time, patients won’t endure many problems after their injection treatments. Side effects are rare, and satisfaction is high! But there are still a few important things you should do and avoid after fillers or any other injection treatment.
Remember, one of the best parts about injections is that you can get more at any point. There’s no need to rush and force your treatments to “work” with unproven tricks and tips. As a professional company, our advice comes from the experience of our skin care experts, so be sure to follow these tips so you’ll know what to do and what to avoid after fillers.
Don’t Do This…
- Do Not: Apply a lot of pressure when using a compress against your skin.
- Do Not: Lie down for at least 4 hours after a Botox / Dysport treatment.
- Do Not: Engage in aerobic activities for 24 hours after injection treatments. Although extremely rare, you do not want any product to migrate from its injection site.
- Do Not: Sleep flat on your face (if you can help it) for 3-4 days after your treatment.
- Do Not: Touch or massage the facial area for about 6 hours after the procedure.
- Do Not: Wear glasses or hats that may press against a treatment site for 6 hours afterward.
- Do Not: Schedule a dental treatment until two weeks after your procedure.
…Do This!
- Do use cold compresses like ice packs that help reduce bruising and swelling.
- Do remember that the immediate results you see aren’t final. It can take 14-days for Botox / Dysport to fully kick in, and sometimes even longer for dermal-filler to fully integrate.
- Do try to avoid touching the treated area for the first six hours following treatment.
- Do limit the levels of heat your skin experiences within 24 hours of your injections. This includes sun exposure and things like heat lamps or tanning beds.
- Do make sure to stay hydrated and drink lots of water, as this will help everything work to its full capacity.
- Do feel free to make a lot of exaggerated facial expressions immediately after your Botox / Dysport treatment to ensure the product has integrated into your muscle.
- Do add an extra pillow under your head before going to bed (after dermal-filler treatments). The added elevation can help prevent swelling.
- Do remember to ask about follow-up appointments!
- Do contact us if you’re experiencing any severe side effects after your appointment. Fevers or chills, discolorations around areas or areas warm to the touch, and severe pains are all issues that require immediate attention.
Do Get a Professional Skincare Experience!
Now that you know what you can do and what to avoid after fillers, you’re ready for the real deal. Remember, getting a professional skincare experience ensures you enjoy the best preparation and best results when getting your injections. If you’re in the Philadelphia area, reach out to About Face Skin Care for a skincare experience that meets all your needs! Schedule a consultation, and don’t forget one more thing to do:
Do call us with any questions or concerns you may have before and after your treatment! If you want to take a sneak peek at how our services can help you accomplish the look you’ve always desired, check out some of our skincare before and after pictures!