Thanks to our ?Best of 2016? wins in both Philadelphia Magazine and Philadelphia Style Magazine, your About Face skin-nerds are in especially good moods, and are especially happy share the #vibes with you; our beloved clients. (Without you, we wouldn?t exist!)
In honor of our Philadelphia Magazine win for ?Best Hand Rejuvenation? and our Philly Style win for ?Ageless Beauty?, for the month of August we?d like you to give ?Give Us a Hand.? (You?ll see below, we?re not being cocky — just engaging in a little word-play. 🙂 )
But first, a little warm-up from Joey Tribbiani:
Your hands endure just as much (if not more) abuse than your face, without a fraction of the TLC.
Just think about how many times you wash your hands a day, how often they are exposed to the sun, temperature fluctuations, and all of the bumps, nicks and cuts they endure every day through normal wear and tear.
- Are you applying products to your hands like you do to your face?
- Are you undergoing treatments to pamper and beautify your hands like your face?
- Are you getting cosmetic injections for your hands?
- If you?re like the average person, the answer is No.
[metaslider id=3783]
It?s all good though.
We?re not here to point fingers (teehee) and instead we just want to inform you of options you may not have considered before.
The same technologies and sciences that let your face stay beautiful forever can also be employed to reverse any damage your hands have been through, and keep them looking equally as pristine.
So for the month of August: please feel free to Give Us A Hand! (Or, both of ’em!)
Are you visiting us for a face treatment? For an extra $20.16*, your hands can receive the same treatment^!
Clear + Brilliant, Fraxel, BBL, even Thermage ~ your hands can benefit from these treatments in the same way your face can!
(Just make sure to let us know beforehand so that if needed, we can apply numbing cream to your paws at the same time as your face.)
Our chemical peel offerings will improve the texture and tone of your hands, while also stimulating collagen production.
The same volume-enhancing injections that are commonly used for your face can ALSO be used for your hands! Plump up your hands with FDA-approved Radiesse injections. Results are instant, and will last for 12+ months. (Due to the way hand-injections are priced, the promotion is a little altered for this: with every hand treatment of Radiesse, you?ll receive a complimentary hand-cream and sunscreen to help maintain your results and preserve your hands.)
For the $20.16 add-on, you?ll receive an enhanced hand-massage, a hand-treatment to compliment the masque your face is getting, and you?ll go home with a ?Feeling Smitten? treat to keep your hands pampered long after your visit.
Feel free to give us a call at 215-923-5001, and we?ll be happy to help you in any way we can.
About Face Skin Care + You = Hand-in-Hand, forever striving towards greatness.
*Representing 2016! 🙂
^Treatments that this offer won?t mesh with? Isolaz, laser hair removal, neurotoxin injections, TruSculpt.